OWN EXCHANGE CALLS To make a call to the same exchange, call the number only - NO CODE OTHER CALLS To make a call to another exchange use the local code and then the number, or, where a local code is not listed for your exchange use the national code >From LERWICK Bigton 92 Bixter 81 Brae 9122 Bressay 82 Cunningsburgh 83 Gott 84 Hamnavoe 85 Hillswick 9123 North Roe 913 Oliaberry 914 Out Skerries 915 Papa Stour 73 Reawick 86 Sandness 87 Sandwick 95 Scalloway 88 Skellister 89 Sullom Voe 91 Sumburgh 9 Symbister 916 Vidlin 917 Voe 918 Walls 71 Weisdale 72 >From PAPA STOUR Bigton 9992 Bixter 9981 Brae 999 122 Bressay 9982 Cunningsburgh 9993 Gott 9984 Hamnavoe 9985 Hillswick 999 123 Lerwick 99 North Roe 999 13 Olaberry 999 14 Out Skerries 999 15 Reawick 9986 Sandness 9 Sandwick 9995 Scalloway 9988 Skellister 9989 Sullom Voe 9991 Sumburgh 999 Symbister 999 16 Vidlin 999 17 Voe 999 18 Walls 9971 Weisdale 9972 From BIXTER BRESSAY, GOTT, HAMNAVOE, REAWICK, SCALLOWAY, SKELLISTER, WALLS, WEISDALE Bigton 992 Bixter 981 Brae 99122 Bressay 982 Cunningsbtirgh 993 Gott 984 Hamnavoe 985 Hillswick 99123 Lerwick 9 North Roe 9913 Ollaberry 9914 Out Skerries 9915 Papa Stour 973 Reawick 986 Sandness 987 Sandwick 995 Scalloway 988 Skehister 989 Sullom Voe 991 Sumburgh 99 Symbister 9916 Vidlin 9917 Voe 9918 Walls 971 Weisdale 972 >From SANDNESS Bigton 992 Bixter 981 Brae 99122 Bressay 982 Cunningsburgh 993 Gott 964 Hamnavoe 985 Hillswick 99123 Lerwick 9 North Roe 9913 Olaberry 9914 Out Skerries 9915 Reawick 986 Sandwick 995 scalloway 988 Skellister 989 Sullom Voe 991 Sumburgh 99 Symbister 9916 Uyeasound 095? Vidlin 9917 Voe 9918 Wells 971 Weisdale 972 From BIGTON, CUNNINGSBURGH, SANDWICK. SUMBURGH Bigton 992 Bixter 981 Bressay 982 Cunningsburgh 993 Gott 984 Hamnavoe 985 Lerwick 9 Papa Stour 973 Reawick 986 Sandness 987 Sandwick 995 Scalloway 988 Skellister 989 Sumburgh 99 Walls 971 Weisdale 972 From BRAE, HILLSWICK, NORTH ROE, OLLABERRY, OUT SKERRIES, SULLOM VOE, SYMBISTER, VIDLIN, VOE Bixter 981 Brae 99122 Bressay 982 Gott 984 Hamnavoe 985 Hillswick 99123 Lerwick 9 North Roe 9913 Ollaberry 9914 Out Skerries 9915 Papa Stour 973 Reawick 986 Sandness 987 Scalioway 988 Skellister 989 Sullom Voe 991 Symbister 9916 Vidlin 9917 Voe 9918 Walls 971 Weisdale 972 >From MID YELL Baltasound 81 . Burravoe 82 Fetlar 83 Gutcher 84 Uyeasound 85 West Sandwick 86 From BALTASOUND, UYEASOUND Baltasound 8 Burravoe 982 Fetlar 983 Gutcher 984 Mid Yell 9 Uyeasound 2 West Sandwick 986 From BURRAVOE, FETLAR, GUTCHER, WEST SANDWICK Baltasound 981 Burravoe 982 Fetlar 983 Gutcher 984 Mid Yell 9 Uyeasound 985 West Sandwick 998 >From FAIR ISLE Use National Dialling Codes >From FOULA Use National Dialling Codes NATIONAL DIALLING CODES Baltasound 0957 81 Bigton 0950 2 Bixter 0595 81 Brae 0906 22 Bressay 0595 82 Burravoe 0957 82 Cunningsburgh 0950 3 Fair Isle 0351 2 Fetlar 0957 83 Foula 0393 3 Gott 0585 84 Gutcher 0957 84 Hamnavoe 0595 85 Hillswick 0806 23 Lerwick 0595 Mid Yell 0957 North Roe 0806 3 Ollaberry 0806 4 Out Skerries 0806 5 Papa Stour 0595 73 Reawick 069 588 Sandness 0595 97 Sandwick 0950 5 Scalloway 0595 88 Skellister 0595 89 Sullom Voe 0806 Sumburgh 0950 Symbister 0806 6 Uyeasound 0957 85 Vidlin 0806 7 Voe 0806 8 Walls 0595 71 Weisdale 0595 72 West Sandwick 0957 86