Sam Hallas' Website
I've created a custom search engine to find material on my web site
Search Engine Page.An area where you can find a variety of documents on telecomms subjects. There's a selection of Post Office N-Diagrams and other equipment handbooks.
Items of historical interest on telecomms used on the railway in the UK. There are also documents on railway topics in the Document Repository.
These are some of the phones that I've owned at one time or another thanks to kind gifts from friends, scrounging or delving in skips. Some I've used at work, others I borrowed to photograph and finally some from elsewhere I included to illustrate a point or period in history. I've split them into several groups:
These are groups of pictures that have been passed onto me. I've scanned them in order to share them with you.
This was a long-term project as I dismantled and photographed various phones in my collection. I comment on the mechanical, electrical and production design on each. It's now nearing completion and many of the phones have since been given away.
In early 2009 I was informed about a process that claimed to remove the fading from the type of plastics used in telephones. The last item is an account of my experiments in trying it out.
The British Telecom Museum at Blackfriars (formerly the Telecom Technology Showcase) closed its doors to the public in August 1997. Here are some of the photographs I have taken of the collection over the years. The photos have been sorted by subject and all the pictures can be viewed at higher resolution by clicking.
Over the course of a few years I've visited most of the museums which were part of the former BT Connected Earth project. The pictures are just a taster of what you can see. I wouldn't want to discourage you from actually visiting them.[pictured: National Museum of Scotland - SMH]
Some of the fascinating telephone and telegraph items in this small museum near to my home.
A talk I prepared with the late Alan Hobbs, G8GOJ, for the RSGB Data Symposium in 1987. Presented initially as three short articles with plenty of illustrations. I added extra pictures and made the existing ones bigger in November 1999. There were more improvements and a supplement, Part 4, to bring it up to date in 2014.
Some articles I put together for the Telecomms Heritage Group and others.
This is a project to produce a solid-state speaking clock using the original authentic voice of Pat Simmons. I've taken some photos of my efforts at building the unit into a case.
My record of constructing the updated THG project.
If you have enjoyed visiting these pages, please take time to visit the Telecommunications Heritage Group site where you'll find lots more of interest to the telecomms enthusiast.
Any queries, corrections or compliments can be emailed to me at
Page modified July 2019 for improved clarity on mobile devices. Layout adjusted for clarity Sep 2024